The Benefits of Sleeping with a Ceiling Fan in Your Room

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If you’ve spent any time at all online researching if you should put a ceiling fan in your bedroom you have certainly come across some comments from people saying that light fixtures are superior, fans are tacky, or some other non-sense that floats around on the interwebs. Whenever I come across comments such as these I immediately assume the person making them has never had a ceiling fan in their bedroom. In fact, there are all kinds of misconceptions about ceiling fans in general out there. I’ve noticed that most of the ceiling fan hate comes from people who either have never used a ceiling fan, or those who have bad memories of some ugly brass and wicker wobbly contraption at their grandma’s house in the 80’s. If you want to know about the benefits of having a ceiling fan in your bedroom, talk to people who use them. Reading this article is a great first place to come to get an honest opinion.

I personally went the first 28 years of my life without a ceiling fan in my bedroom. Now that I have gone more than a decade with one in my bedroom, I can tell you I will never go back to not having one. To me, having a ceiling fan in your bedroom is nearly as important as having a good pillow, you just sleep better with one. That reason alone is all you really need to be convinced to put a ceiling fan in your bedroom, but that isn’t the only reason I have for you. 

Below are many of the reasons you should install a ceiling fan in your bedroom.


There are so many reasons to sleep with a ceiling fan spinning above you at night. Many of these reasons fall under the comfort category. First, let’s talk about the breeze. Think about a common scene in movies, TV, or the media in general. Whenever ultimate relaxation is being portrayed what do you see? You see a person in a hammock on a beach with a cold drink and the sound of the waves crashing on the sand. Along with this common motif, you also see a light breeze blowing over the person, capping off the perfect setting of relaxation. Take away the breeze from that situation and it falls flat. The same is true in your bedroom. The cool breeze is the cherry on top. 

When I am away from home and sleep in a room without a ceiling fan that cool relaxing breeze is missing. The room feels stale. You might catch a bit of a breeze from the A/C but it is intermittent and very cold. The soft breeze from the ceiling fan is consistent and comforting. It is like a soft blanket of air constantly covering you. The only thing that compares is that cool breeze in the hammock scene.

Another comfort reason to use a ceiling fan in your bedroom is the temperature. A ceiling fan helps pull the air from your A/C and distribute it to the room more equally. Instead of having one direct path of the vent, it shakes the air up and sends it to every part of the room instantly. This makes for a better distributed and more consistent temperature which greatly adds to the comfort level of the room.


If the description of comfort hasn’t already convinced you to buy a ceiling fan for your bedroom, maybe reading about the efficiency benefits will. Modern ceiling fans are incredibly energy efficient. They use very little power for the benefits they provide. As mentioned above, ceiling fans complement your air conditioning system. They help it work more efficiently by helping it distribute the air around a room. I find that I am able to move the A/C up a few degrees when I have the ceiling fan on. The ceiling fan makes it feel cooler, therefore giving the A/C a little bit of a break. If you live in a arid climate like I do, you definitely want a ceiling fan to help that A/C work more efficiently. If you live in a more temperate climate, and especially if you don’t have an A/C, a ceiling fan can make those warmer nights that much more comfortable. In many places you can get by with just a ceiling fan, without buying and running a window A/C unit. Maybe you sleep with a window cracked open to get some airflow. If so, a ceiling fan can help pull that cool outside air in and distribute it throughout the room. Perhaps you can replace that loud window box fan with a quiet ceiling fan. Ceiling fans are not only for hot days either. The same principles apply with heaters. Ceiling fans help distribute the heat and keep the cold at bay.


Lastly, I want to talk about style. Again, there are plenty of misinformed ceiling fan haters out there. A complaint you constantly hear is that ceiling fans are bad for style. I personally think this is ridiculous. Anyone who says this obviously is not familiar with how stylish modern ceiling fans have become. If I tour a new house or see a home design show on TV and see a bedroom without a ceiling fan, I instantly think, “Wow, they missed the mark here. A ceiling fan would totally complete this room.”. I seriously think bedroom ceilings without a fan are boring. The worst is when there is a box for a fan but someone installed a little pathetic looking light fixture. It just looks out of place. A ceiling is a big piece of real estate, you might as well fill it with style.

Ceiling fans are statement pieces. They have personality and huge functionality. They are a unique element to a house that can add incredible style. When I walk into a room and see a nice ceiling fan I know those people get it, they understand that vanilla ceilings leave a hole in the room’s style. Fans provide an opportunity to introduce or complement little touches of wood, metal, and glass found in a room. Ceiling fans just add character and personality that no other design element can add.

I hope I’ve convinced you of the benefits of having a ceiling fan in your bedroom. I believe every bedroom should have a ceiling fan. The comfort, efficiency, and style they add are incomparable. Don’t fall victim to the ceiling fan haters out there and miss out on the amazing benefits ceiling fans offer.

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